Mapping of Ratings results to
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How to get information:
If you roll the mouse cursor over a pointer on the map, the information about the relevant country (including the name and the value of indices) will be displayed in the text area next to the map.
If you click the left button on the mouse at this time , the corresponding page from Wikipedia will be opened in new window.
You can change the colour map by clicking items below the georaphic map.
The detailed results of analysis could be found in the paper "Mapping of Ratings results to the Modern Political Atlas" (in russian), part 2.1, and in the article in Wikipedia "Nonlinear quality of life index".
The essence of this interpretation is presented below:
Principal Component 1 : "Wellbeing» of the country. "Red" countries are successful; "Green" are not.
Principal Component 2 : "Uncontrollable force". "Green" countries are poor or the ones, where international influence is not compensated by the development of democracy foundations.
Principal Component 3 : "Difficulties of democracy". "Red" countries are rich with totalitarian politics, "Green" ones are the countries with democratic regime, but which experience some difficulties.
Principal Component 4 : "Importance of the International influence despite of the national problems" is the slogan for "Green" countries, "Red" countries are less sensetive to the international impact.
Principal Component 5 : "Balance between Soverain State and the quality of life". In "Red" countries more attension is paid to the development of the life quality, in "Green" the state consistency is more important.
Andrei Zinovyev
Aleksei Kolodyazhnyi